+ 386 1 5898 246 zgigm@gzs.si

Final EU conference

Dear Madam/Sir,
Dear Colleagues,

The SUSODCO project partners and the European Federation of Building and Woodworkers have the organized the Final Conference in the framework of the SUSODCO project, which took place in a (limited) hybrid form in the EFBWW meeting room in Brussels on 16 March 2022.

The SUSODCO project, which was launched in March 2020, brings together the national social partners of the construction sector from Central (Slovenia, Hungary), South-East (Croatia, Bulgaria) and Southern Europe (Cyprus, Greece). Its main objective is to enhance the communication skills and capacities of the participating partners for an improved and effective social dialogue through the exchange of good practices, awareness raising on key social dialogue issues and the organisation of seminars.

During the Final Conference, the project partners presented the results of the national project campaigns and possible future trends for Social Dialogue. The European partners share their experiences of the Social dialogue at European level and the SUSODCO platform was  launched officially. We  also try to explore how to proceed in the future with the Social Dialogue. 

The Future of Construction – Croatia DECEMBER 2020

National multiannual social dialogue draft plan.

The Essence of Communication – Hungary APRIL 2021

The importance of the Communication strategy for effective social dialogue.

Digital Revolution and Digital Skills – Bulgaria JUNE 2021

The digitalization of the economy within the social dialogue agenda and digital skills.

The skills that support the implementation of a social dialogue – Cyprus NOVEMBER 2021

Skills that Support Social Dialogue Implementation.

Contact Us

Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Slovenia

Dimičeva street 13, SI-1504 Ljubljana Slovenia

+386 1 589 82 46

Referral number: VS/2020/0046, VS/2020/0147, VS/2021/0224 VS/2022/0010