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European social dialogue


  • Date: 1. 3. 2020 – 1. 5. 2022
  • Referral number: VS/2020/0046,  VS/2020/0147, VS/2021/0224, VS/2022/0010

About this Project

The general situation of underdeveloped sectoral social dialogue (SD) in the construction industry in the participating CEECs and the particularly low capacity of national social partners involved in sectoral SD. The project idea for capacity building (strengthening the capacity of trade unions and employers’ organisations), reactivation of social partners and development of the sectoral SD is based on the results of previous sectoral SD initiatives and actions aimed at strengthening the industrial relations system in the construction industry at EU and national level. Regarding the latter, there is an obvious common need in the project consortium for direct, intensive, targeted and concrete support to the national partners of the sectoral social dialogue.

The current need is seen as crucial for a number of EU countries where social dialogue in the sector is underdeveloped or needs to be further strengthened to enable better bipartite and tripartite social dialogue and to promote its fundamental mission to ensure that essential issues of SD are successfully presented, addressed and ultimately met. Mutual understanding and communication are sometimes lacking at the national level and this is reflected at the corporate level. All this leads us to restructure the social dialogue, improve proactive and fair communication and start creating new SD initiatives that will reduce the inequalities between the two SD parties and favour decisions that will allow the construction industry to continue to grow.

In this respect, the background and core idea of the SuSodCo project are based on:

  • the previous findings, results and needs for the further development of SD in the construction sector (project funded by DG EMPL: RIBI 2009, SODICO-2012)
  • the initial findings of the national SD reports submitted as part of the research activities of the TANSIRC-2019 project; and
  • a preliminary research between the members of the consortium, which identified and confirmed the great need for useful, practical and well-presented results related to past and current actions at EU and national level SD and activities related to industrial relations and social dialogue.

 The current volatility of SD in CEEC SD and the lack of a well-functioning industrial policy system in the construction industry also pose a challenge for European social dialogue, as CEEC contribute less or not at all to ESD. Once better industrial relations in the construction industry are established at national level and social partners are equipped with key capacities, this will lead to a more active engagement in ESD (participation in regular meetings at EU level, discussion and involvement in EU policies and not only following them).

The SuSodCo project, launched in March 2020, brings together the national social partners of the construction sector Central (Slovenia, Hungary), South-East (Croatia, Bulgaria) and Southern Europe (Cyprus, Greece). Its main objective is to enhance the communication skills and capacities of the participating partners for an improved and effective social dialogue through the exchange of good practises, awareness raising on key social dialogue issues and the organisation of seminars.

The partners of the social dialogue in the construction sector, mainly from Central (Slovenia, Hungary), South-East (Croatia, Bulgaria) and Southern Europe (Cyprus, Greece)

This project focuses on capacity building, promotion, visibility and mutual recognition and trust among social dialogue partners in the construction industry from the central and Eastern European and south-eastern Member States. In this framework, the main objective of the SuSodCo project is to provide the national sectoral social dialogue partners with key missing capacities that will enable them to be more engaged in sectoral social dialogue and strengthen their operational functions (capacities) at the national level, enable their growth, development and active involvement in sectoral ESD activities. Taking into account that national social dialogue activities require expert support and include feedback on national and SD best practise initiatives, planning and comparison of approaches and results used.

The project will organise 4 events presenting topics to improve social dialogue in the construction sector. The events will consist of two sessions, a seminar and a workshop. They will be attended by leading experts and trainers who will present the latest trends in European industrial relations and help participants improve their communication and digital skills for social dialogue. The workshops include interactive sessions, role plays and various engaging scenarios to put the acquired knowledge into practise.


VS/2020/0046, VS/2020/0147, VS/2021/0224, VS/2022/0010

Duration: 01/03/2020-31/05/2022 

This website has been prepared in the framework of the project »SUSODCO – SUPPORT OF SOCIAL DIALOGUE FOR AN EFFECTIVE FUTURE CONSTRUCTION, no. VS/2020/0046«, co-funded by the European Union. The European Commission’s support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents, which reflect the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.



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Referral number: VS/2020/0046, VS/2020/0147, VS/2021/0224 VS/2022/0010