Presentation of Initiatives
Here are presented past and ongoing key social dialogue projects and initiatives related to or important for the construction industry.
Presented are SD projects/initiatives that are no more than 10 years old. These can be funded by EC (DG EMPL SD budget lines) or from decentralised (national) budget lines – EU funds or from the budget of the respective project promoter.
The projects/initiatives of SD have been divided into 3 areas of interest – social, economic and legal, and capacity building, with subcategories in each area and some of the latter involving multiple themes.
Overview of field specific initiatives

Social (VET and Youth)
Addressing the problem of skills gaps/mismatches, education system and policy etc
- Addressing the problem of skills gaps/mismatches (due to the digitalisation and the ‘greening’ of the construction industry) – 9, including those related to energy efficiency (ЕЕ) and renewable energy (RE) solutions in buildings
Education system and policy (best practices, proved system – dual system, transparency of national qualifications, comparisons of qualifications of databases, facilitating the mutual recognition of qualifications etc.) – 18
Attraction of youth in the construction industry – 13
Improving the position of young people in the labour market – 1

Social (OSH)
Risk Assessment tools and digitalisation towards OSH improvement, new PPEs etc.
- Social – OSH (including OSH Risk Assessment tools and Digitalisation towards OSH improvement, new PPEs, advanced OSH tools and personal health appliances-data protection, training of OSH representatives, etc.) – 23

Social (Employment)
Posting of Workers, ageing Workforce, undeclared work etc.
Better work-life balance – 4
Improve workplace conditions – 6
Posting of Workers – 11
Aging Workforce – 7
Third-Country Entries in the Construction industry (both workers and companies) – 5
Tackling Undeclared Work – 6
Protection of construction workplaces – 1

Economic and Legal
Economic relaunch, paritarian funds, public procurement and SD etc.
Economic relaunch – 1
Paritarian Funds – 5
Public procurement and SD – 7
Collective labour agreements – 2
Other – 6

Capacity building initiative/Project
Communication & Media Marketing capacity building, Staff capacity building etc.
Communication & Media Marketing capacity building – 2
Staff capacity building – 15
Membership capacity – 4
Other – 3

Contact Us
Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Slovenia
Dimičeva street 13, SI-1504 Ljubljana Slovenia
+386 1 589 82 46