European social dialogue refers to discussions, consultations, negotiations and joint actions involving organizations representing the two sides of industry (employers and workers). Social dialogue at all levels is a prerequisite for the functioning of Europe’s social market economy and crucial to promote both competitiveness and fairness.
The most common activities of Social Dialogue are:
Negotiation is one of the most common forms of social dialogue.
Consultation requires the parties to engage through an exchange of views, which in turn can lead to a more in-depth dialogue.
The exchange of information is one of the most fundamental and indispensable elements for effective social dialogue.
Social Dialogue
Social (VET and Youth)
Addressing the problem of skills gaps/mismatches, education system and policy etc.
Social (OSH)
Risk Assessment tools and digitalisation towards OSH improvement, new PPEs etc.
Social (Employment)
Posting of Workers, ageing Workforce, undeclared work etc.
Economic and Legal
Economic relaunch, paritarian funds, public procurement and SD etc.
Capacity building initiative/Project
Communication & Media Marketing capacity building, Staff capacity building etc.
Project Events
National conferences - MAY 2022
Presentation of SUSODCO project to national stakeholders
Final EU conference - MARCH 2022
Presentation of SUSODCO project to EU stakeholders
Skills that Support SD Implementation – Cyprus NOVEMBER 2021
Skills that Support Social Dialogue Implementation
Digital Revolution and Digital Skills – Bulgaria JUNE 2021
The digitalization of the economy within the social dialogue agenda and digital skills.
The Essence of Communication – Hungary APRIL 2021
The importance of the Communication strategy for effective social dialogue.
The Future of Construction – Croatia DECEMBER 2020
National multiannual social dialogue draft plan.
Natioanl conferences
All project partners have presented our project results to their national stakeholders.
Read or watch more about their presentation in their own langage (GR, BG, HU, HR, SI) here…
SUSDCO national conference
The SUSODCO project partners and the EFBWW have the organized the Final in Brussels on 16 March 2022. Project partners presented the results of the national project campaigns and possible future trends for Social Dialogue. We also try to explore how to proceed in the future with the Social Dialogue.
SUSODCO final report
Where we present work done by SUSODCO consortium during this 27 month long project.
Read all about our 4 research reports, 4 capacity building events, the work of the consortium with PR media experts, the new thematic web platform and much more.
Contact Us
Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Slovenia
Dimičeva street 13, SI-1504 Ljubljana Slovenia
+386 1 589 82 46