Final report for target groups
1.1.1 Final Project report (COMPENDIUM) with conclusions and guidelines for future steps (online version) – EN, SI, HR, GR, CY, HU, BG
1.1.2 Final Project report (COMPENDIUM) with conclusions and guidelines for future steps (printing version) – EN, SI, HR, GR, CY, HU, BG
1.2 Experiencing the social dialogue negotiation process (A3 – role play insert) – EN, SI, GR, HR, CY, HU, BG
1.2.1 Supporting material for the negotiation process (in connection with A3 – role play) – EN
Thematic reports
Support of social dialogue for an effective future construction. Overview of Social Dialogue Status in Construction Sector in Southeastern EU Region. The aim is to obtain information about the situation, national initiatives and activities with the national SD status in the 6 countries involved.
Support Of Social Dialogue For An Effective Future Construction. Overview of Key Initiatives and Projects Concerning Social Dialogue in Construction in the EU in the 2010-2020 Period. Obtain information from the project partner organisations about the past and/or ongoing key SD projects and initiatives in the construction industry, in which they participated in the 2010-2020 period or still participate.
Overview of the Internal and External Communication of Employers’ Organizations and Trade Unions in Construction in Southeastern EU Region. The aim was to obtain information about the internal and external communication of employers’ organizations and trade unions in the construction industry in the 6 project partner countries.
Social Partner Organizations’ Capacities for Implementation of Social Dialogue in Construction Industry in Southeastern EU Region. It covers the results gained by the respondents to the different questions related to 5 different skills, including Communication, Management, Digital, Network and Advocating, and Dealing with crisis.
Explainer video on ESD and national SD in the construction sector
National videos on SD priorities – for media campaign (attracting youth in the sector)

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